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A.3 Hot-keys for UDAV

Ctrl-NCreate new window with empty script. Note, all scripts share variables. So, second window can be used to see some additional information of existed variables.
Ctrl-OOpen and execute/show script or data from file. You may switch off automatic exection in UDAV properties
Ctrl-SSave script to a file.
Ctrl-POpen printer dialog and print graphics.
Ctrl-ZUndo changes in script editor.
Ctrl-Shift-ZRedo changes in script editor.
Ctrl-XCut selected text into clipboard.
Ctrl-CCopy selected text into clipboard.
Ctrl-VPaste selected text from clipboard.
Ctrl-ASelect all text in editor.
Ctrl-FShow dialog for text finding.
F3Find next occurrence of the text.
Win-C or Meta-CShow dialog for new command and put it into the script.
Win-F or Meta-FInsert last fitted formula with found coefficients.
Win-S or Meta-SShow dialog for styles and put it into the script. Styles define the plot view (color scheme, marks, dashing and so on).
Win-O or Meta-OShow dialog for options and put it into the script. Options are used for additional setup the plot.
Win-N or Meta-NReplace selected expression by its numerical value.
Win-P or Meta-PSelect file and insert its file name into the script.
Win-G or Meta-GShow dialog for plot setup and put resulting code into the script. This dialog setup axis, labels, lighting and other general things.
Ctrl-Shift-OLoad data from file. Data will be deleted only at exit but UDAV will not ask to save it.
Ctrl-Shift-SSave data to a file.
Ctrl-Shift-CCopy range of numbers to clipboard.
Ctrl-Shift-VPaste range of numbers from clipboard.
Ctrl-Shift-NRecreate the data with new sizes and fill it by zeros.
Ctrl-Shift-RResize (interpolate) the data to specified sizes.
Ctrl-Shift-TTransform data along dimension(s).
Ctrl-Shift-MMake another data.
Ctrl-Shift-HFind histogram of data.
Ctrl-TSwitch on/off transparency for the graphics.
Ctrl-LSwitch on/off additional lightning for the graphics.
Ctrl-GSwitch on/off grid of absolute coordinates.
Ctrl-SpaceRestore default graphics rotation, zoom and perspective.
F5Execute script and redraw graphics.
F6Change canvas size to fill whole region.
F7Stop script execution and drawing.
F8Show/hide tool window with list of hidden plots.
F9Restore status for ’once’ command and reload data.
Ctrl-F5Run slideshow. If no parameter specified then the dialog with slideshow options will appear.
Ctrl-Comma, Ctrl-PeriodShow next/previous slide. If no parameter specified then the dialog with slideshow options will appear.
Ctrl-WOpen dialog with slideshow options.
Ctrl-Shift-GCopy graphics to clipboard.
F1Show help on MGL commands
F2Show/hide tool window with messages and information.
F4Show/hide calculator which evaluate and help to type textual formulas. Textual formulas may contain data variables too.
Meta-Shift-Up, Meta-Shift-DownChange view angle \theta.
Meta-Shift-Left, Meta-Shift-RightChange view angle \phi.
Alt-Minus, Alt-EqualZoom in/out whole image.
Alt-Up, Alt-Down, Alt-Right, Alt-LeftShift whole image.
Alt-PExport as semitransparent PNG.
Alt-FExport as solid PNG.
Alt-JExport as JPEG.
Alt-EExport as vector EPS.
Alt-SExport as vector SVG.
Alt-LExport as LaTeX/Tikz image.
Alt-MExport as MGLD.
Alt-DExport as PRC/PDF.
Alt-OExport as OBJ.

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