A.2 Hot-keys for mglview

Ctrl-POpen printer dialog and print graphics.
Ctrl-WClose window.
Ctrl-TSwitch on/off transparency for the graphics.
Ctrl-LSwitch on/off additional lightning for the graphics.
Ctrl-SpaceRestore default graphics rotation, zoom and perspective.
F5Execute script and redraw graphics.
F6Change canvas size to fill whole region.
F7Stop drawing and script execution.
Ctrl-F5Run slideshow. If no parameter specified then the dialog with slideshow options will appear.
Ctrl-Comma, Ctrl-PeriodShow next/previous slide. If no parameter specified then the dialog with slideshow options will appear.
Ctrl-Shift-GCopy graphics to clipboard.
Alt-PExport as semitransparent PNG.
Alt-FExport as solid PNG.
Alt-JExport as JPEG.
Alt-EExport as vector EPS.
Alt-SExport as vector SVG.
Alt-LExport as LaTeX/Tikz image.
Alt-MExport as MGLD.
Alt-DExport as PRC/PDF.
Alt-OExport as OBJ.