11.6 Sample ‘aspect

Example of subplot, inplot, rotate, aspect, shear.

MGL code:

subplot 2 2 0:box:text -1 1.1 'Just box' ':L'
inplot 0.2 0.5 0.7 1 off:box:text 0 1.2 'InPlot example'
subplot 2 2 1:title 'Rotate only':rotate 50 60:box
subplot 2 2 2:title 'Rotate and Aspect':rotate 50 60:aspect 1 1 2:box
subplot 2 2 3:title 'Shear':box 'c':shear 0.2 0.1:box

C++ code:

void smgl_aspect(mglGraph *gr)	// transformation
	gr->SubPlot(2,2,0);	gr->Box();
	gr->Puts(mglPoint(-1,1.1),"Just box",":L");
	gr->InPlot(0.2,0.5,0.7,1,false);	gr->Box();
	gr->Puts(mglPoint(0,1.2),"InPlot example");
	gr->SubPlot(2,2,1);	gr->Title("Rotate only");
	gr->Rotate(50,60);	gr->Box();
	gr->SubPlot(2,2,2);	gr->Title("Rotate and Aspect");
	gr->Rotate(50,60);	gr->Aspect(1,1,2);	gr->Box();
	gr->SubPlot(2,2,3);	gr->Title("Shear");
	gr->Box("c");		gr->Shear(0.2,0.1);	gr->Box();

Sample aspect