5.5 Export picture

Functions in this group save or give access to produced picture. So, usually they should be called after plotting is done.

MGL command: setsize w h
Method on mglGraph: void SetSize (int width, int height, bool clear=true)
C function: void mgl_set_size (HMGL gr, int width, int height)
C function: void mgl_scale_size (HMGL gr, int width, int height)

Sets size of picture in pixels. This function should be called before any other plotting because it completely remove picture contents if clear=true. Function just clear pixels and scale all primitives if clear=false.

MGL command: setsizescl factor
Method on mglGraph: void SetSizeScl (double factor)
C function: void mgl_set_size_scl (HMGL gr, double factor)

Set factor for width and height in all further calls of setsize. This command is obsolete since v.2.4.2.

MGL command: quality [val=2]
Method on mglGraph: void SetQuality (int val=MGL_DRAW_NORM)
C function: void mgl_set_quality (HMGL gr, int val)

Sets quality of the plot depending on value val: MGL_DRAW_WIRE=0 – no face drawing (fastest), MGL_DRAW_FAST=1 – no color interpolation (fast), MGL_DRAW_NORM=2 – high quality (normal), MGL_DRAW_HIGH=3 – high quality with 3d primitives (arrows and marks); MGL_DRAW_LMEM=0x4 – direct bitmap drawing (low memory usage); MGL_DRAW_DOTS=0x8 – for dots drawing instead of primitives (extremely fast).

Method on mglGraph: int GetQuality ()
C function: int mgl_get_quality (HMGL gr)

Gets quality of the plot: MGL_DRAW_WIRE=0 – no face drawing (fastest), MGL_DRAW_FAST=1 – no color interpolation (fast), MGL_DRAW_NORM=2 – high quality (normal), MGL_DRAW_HIGH=3 – high quality with 3d primitives (arrows and marks); MGL_DRAW_LMEM=0x4 – direct bitmap drawing (low memory usage); MGL_DRAW_DOTS=0x8 – for dots drawing instead of primitives (extremely fast).

Method on mglGraph: void StartGroup (const char *name)
C function: void mgl_start_group (HMGL gr, const char *name)

Starts group definition. Groups contain objects and other groups, they are used to select a part of a model to zoom to or to make invisible or to make semitransparent and so on.

Method on mglGraph: void EndGroup ()
C function: void mgl_end_group (HMGL gr)

Ends group definition.