B.4 IFS format

MathGL can read IFS fractal parameters (see ifsfile) from a IFS file. Let remind IFS file format. File may contain several records. Each record contain the name of fractal (‘binary’ in the example below) and the body of fractal, which is enclosed in curly braces {}. Symbol ‘;’ start the comment. If the name of fractal contain ‘(3D)’ or ‘(3d)’ then the 3d IFS fractal is specified. The sample below contain two fractals: ‘binary’ – usual 2d fractal, and ‘3dfern (3D)’ – 3d fractal.

 { ; comment allowed here
  ; and here
  .5  .0 .0 .5 -2.563477 -0.000003 .333333   ; also comment allowed here
  .5  .0 .0 .5  2.436544 -0.000003 .333333
  .0 -.5 .5 .0  4.873085  7.563492 .333333

 3dfern (3D) {
   .00  .00 0 .0 .18 .0 0  0.0 0.00 0 0.0 0 .01
   .85  .00 0 .0 .85 .1 0 -0.1 0.85 0 1.6 0 .85
   .20 -.20 0 .2 .20 .0 0  0.0 0.30 0 0.8 0 .07
  -.20  .20 0 .2 .20 .0 0  0.0 0.30 0 0.8 0 .07