Example of light and alpha (transparency).
MGL code:
call 'prepare2d' subplot 2 2 0:title 'default':rotate 50 60:box surf a subplot 2 2 1:title 'light on':rotate 50 60:box light on:surf a subplot 2 2 3:title 'light on; alpha on':rotate 50 60:box alpha on:surf a subplot 2 2 2:title 'alpha on':rotate 50 60:box light off:surf a
C++ code:
void smgl_alpha(mglGraph *gr) // alpha and lighting { mglData a; mgls_prepare2d(&a); gr->SubPlot(2,2,0); gr->Title("default"); gr->Rotate(50,60); gr->Box(); gr->Surf(a); gr->SubPlot(2,2,1); gr->Title("light on"); gr->Rotate(50,60); gr->Box(); gr->Light(true); gr->Surf(a); gr->SubPlot(2,2,3); gr->Title("alpha on; light on"); gr->Rotate(50,60); gr->Box(); gr->Alpha(true); gr->Surf(a); gr->SubPlot(2,2,2); gr->Title("alpha on"); gr->Rotate(50,60); gr->Box(); gr->Light(false); gr->Surf(a); }