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8. MGL language

MathGL library supports the simplest scripts for data handling and plotting. These scripts can be used independently (with the help of UDAV, mgl2png, mgl2eps, mgl2svg programs and others, see section Utilities for parsing MGL) or in the frame of the library using.

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8.1 MGL basics

MGL script language is rather simple. Each string is a command. First word of string is the name of command. Other words are command arguments. Command may have up to 1000 arguments (at least for now). Words are separated from each other by space or tabulation symbol. The upper or lower case of words is sufficient, i.e. variables a and A are different variables. Symbol ‘#’ starts the comment (all characters after # will be ignored). The exception is situation when ‘#’ is a part of some string. Also options can be specified after symbol ‘;’ (see section Command options (MGL)). Symbol ‘:’ starts new command (like new line character) if it is not placed inside a string or inside brackets.

If string contain references to external parameters (substrings ‘$0’, ‘$1’ ... ‘$9’) or definitions (substrings ‘$a’, ‘$b’ ... ‘$z’) then before execution the values of parameter/definition will be substituted instead of reference. It allows to use the same MGL script for different parameters (filenames, paths, condition and so on).

Argument can be a string, a variable name or a number.

Before the first using all variables must be defined with the help of commands, like, new, var, list, copy, read, hist, sum and so on (see section Data create (MGL) and Make another data (MGL)).

Command may have several set of possible arguments (for example, plot ydat and plot xdat ydat). All command arguments for a selected set must be specified. However, some arguments can have default values. These argument are printed in [], like plot ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]. At this, the record [arg1 arg2 arg3 ...] means [arg1 [arg2 [arg3 ...]]], i.e. you can omit only tailing arguments if you agree with its default values. For example, plot ydat '' 1 or plot ydat '' is correct, but plot ydat 1 is incorrect (argument 'stl' is missed).

All MGL commands can be divided on several groups. I will use the following notation for a command description: command names are bold, strings are denoted by commas, variable names are italic, numbers are typewriter. Optional arguments are placed in square brackets and default values for them are shown. Detailed description of color, line styles (see section Line styles), color schemes (see section Color scheme), font types, TeX-like symbols (see section Font styles) and formulas (see section Textual formulas) can be found in corresponding section.

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8.2 Graphics setup (MGL)

Coomands in this group influences on overall graphics appearance. So all of them should be placed before any actual plotting commands.

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8.2.1 Transparency (MGL)

There are several commands for setup transparency. The general command is alpha which switch on/off the transparency for overall plot. It influence only for graphics which created after alpha call. Command alphadef specify the default value of alpha-channel. You may switch off transparency of selected plot by command transparent. Finally, command transptype set the kind of transparency. See section Transparent surface sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: alpha [val=on]

Sets the transparency on/off. It is recommended to call this command before any plotting command. Default value is off. Use transparent off in particular plot to disable its transparency.

MGL command: alphadef val

Default value of alpha channel (transparency) for all plotting commands. Initial value is 0.5.

MGL command: transparent val

Temporary switches transparency on/off for the plot.

MGL command: transptype val

This command set the transparency type. Normal transparency (‘0’) – below things is less visible than upper ones. Glass-like transparency (‘1’) – below and upper things are commutable and just decrease intensity of light by RGB channel. Lamp-like transparency (‘2’) – below and upper things are commutable and are the source of some additional light. I recommend to set alphadef 0.3 or less for lamp-like transparency. See section Normal transparency, Glass-like transparency, Lamp-like transparency.

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8.2.2 Lighting (MGL)

There are several commands for setup lighting. The general command is light which switch on/off the lighting for overall plot. Generally MathGL support up to 10 independent light sources. The position, color, brightness of each light source can be set separately. By default only one light source is active. It is source number 0 with white color, located at top of the plot.

MGL command: light [val=on]

Sets the using of light on/off for overall plot. It is recommended to call this command before any plotting command. Default value is lightning off.

MGL command: light num val

Switch on/off num-th light source separately.

MGL command: light num xpos ypos zpos ['col'='w' br=0.5]

The command adds a light source with identification num at position {xpos, ypos, zpos}. The color of light is col (white by default). The brightness of light is br which must be in range [0,1].

MGL command: ambient val

Sets the brightness of ambient light. The value should be in range [0,1]. Initial value is 0.5.

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8.2.3 Fog (MGL)

MGL command: fog val [dz=0.25]

Command imitate a fog in the plot. Fog start from relative distance dz from view point and its density growths exponentially in depth. So that the fog influence is determined by law ~1-exp(-d*z). Here z is normalized to 1 depth of the plot. If value val=0 then the fog is absent. See section Surface in fog sample, for sample code and picture.

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8.2.4 Default sizes (MGL)

These commands control the default (initial) values for most graphics parameters including sizes of markers, arrows, linewidth and so on. As any other settings these ones will influence only on plots created after the settings change.

MGL command: barwidth val

Sets relative width of rectangles in bars, barh, boxplot. Default value is 0.7.

MGL command: marksize val

The size of marks. Default value is 1.

MGL command: arrowsize val

The size of arrows for lines and curves. Default value is 1.

MGL command: linewidth val

The variable define the base width for all lines. The value <1 is ignored. Increase of this variables is actual for large bitmap pictures. Default value is 1.

MGL command: ticklen val [stt=1]

The relative length of axis ticks. Default value is 0.1. Parameter stt>0 set relative length of subticks which is in sqrt(1+stt) times smaller.

MGL command: tickstl 'stl' ['sub'='']

The line style of axis ticks (stl) and subticks (sub). If stl=” then default style is used (‘k’ or ‘w’ depending on transparency type). If sub=” then ticks style is used (i.e. stl).

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8.2.5 Zooming (MGL)

These commands control the overall zooming of the picture or the sub-picture. Normally you can use these variables and commands for removing “white” spaces around a plot.

MGL command: plotfactor val

The factor of plot size. It is not recommended to set it lower then 1.6. This is some analogue of command zoom but applied not to overall image but for each inplot. Use negative value to enable automatic plotfactor selection.

MGL command: zoom x1 y1 x2 y2

The command changes the scale of graphics that correspond to zoom in/out of the picture. After command call the current plot will be cleared and further the picture will contain plotting from its part [x1,x2]*[y1,y2]. Here picture coordinates x1, x2, y1, y2 changes from 0 to 1. Use zoom 0 0 1 1 to return default view.

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8.2.6 Cutting (MGL)

These commands set the condition when the points are excluded (cutted) from the drawing. Note, that a point with nan value(s) of coordinate or amplitude will be automatically excluded from the drawing.

MGL command: cut val

Determines how points outside bounding box are drawn. If it is on then points are excluded from plot (it is default) otherwise the points are projected to edges of bounding box.

MGL command: cut x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2

Lower and upper edge of the box in which never points are drawn. If both edges are the same (the variables are equal) then the cutting box is empty. See section CutMinMax sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cut 'cond'

Command set the cutting off condition by formula cond. This condition determine will point be plotted or not. If value of formula is nonzero then point is omitted, otherwise it plotted. Set argument as '' to disable cutting off condition. See section CutOff sample, for sample code and picture.

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8.2.7 Other settings (MGL)

MGL command: font 'fnt' [val=6]

Font style for text and labels (see text). Initial style is ’fnt’=’rC’ give Roman font with centering. Parameter val sets the size of font for tick and axis labels. Default font size of axis labels is 1.4 times large than for tick labels. For more detail, see section Font styles.

MGL command: rotatetext val

Set to use or not text rotation along axis. Initial value is on.

MGL command: palette 'colors'

Set the palette as selected colors. Default value is 'Hbgrcmyhlnqeup'. The palette is used mostly in 1D plots for curves which styles are not specified.

MGL command: meshnum num

Sets approximate number of lines in mesh, fall, grid and also the number of hachures in vect, vectc, dew and the number of cells in cloud. By default (=0) it draws all lines/hachures/cells.

MGL command: axialdir 'dir'

Set direction around which curve rotated in axial, torus. Default value is ’z’.

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8.3 Axis settings (MGL)

These large set of commands control how the axis and ticks will be drawn. Note that there is 3-step transformation of data coordinates are performed. Firstly, coordinates are projected and cutting is applied (see section Cutting (MGL)), after it transformation formulas are applied, and finally the data was normalized in bounding box.

MGL command: axis x1 y1 x2 y2
MGL command: axis x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2

MGL command: ranges x1 x2 y1 y2 [z1=0 z2=0]

Sets the ranges of coordinates changing. Also it sets the range for coloring (analogous to caxis z1 z2). Initial ranges are [-1, 1].

MGL command: axis 'fx' 'fy' ['fz'='' 'fa'='']

Sets the transformation formulas for curvilinear coordinates. Each string should contain mathematical expression for real coordinate depending on internal coordinates ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ and ‘a’ or ‘c’ for colorbar. For example, the cylindrical coordinates are introduced as axis 'x*cos(y)' 'x*sin(y)' 'z'. For removing of formulas the corresponding parameter should be ''. The using of transformation formulas will slightly slowing the program, i.e. axis '' '' '' is faster than axis '1*x' '1*y' '1*z'. Initially all formulas are absent (Cartesian coordinates are used). For more details about functions and formulas, see section Textual formulas.

MGL command: axis how

Sets one of the predefined transformation formulas for curvilinear coordinate. Paramater how define the coordinates: ‘0’ – Cartesian coordinates (no transformation); ‘1’ – Polar coordiantes x_n=x*cos(y),y_n=x*sin(y), z_n=z; ‘2’ – Spherical coordinates x_n=x*sin(y)*cos(z), y_n=x*sin(y)*sin(z), z_n=x*cos(y); ‘3’ – Parabolic coordinates x_n=x*y, y_n=(x*x-y*y)/2, z_n=z; ‘4’ – Paraboloidal coordinates x_n=(x*x-y*y)*cos(z)/2, y_n=(x*x-y*y)*sin(z)/2, z_n=x*y; ‘5’ – Oblate coordinates x_n=cosh(x)*cos(y)*cos(z), y_n=cosh(x)*cos(y)*sin(z), z_n=sinh(x)*sin(y); ‘6’ – Prolate coordinates x_n=sinh(x)*sin(y)*cos(z), y_n=sinh(x)*sin(y)*sin(z), z_n=cosh(x)*cos(y); ‘7’ – Elliptic coordinates x_n=cosh(x)*cos(y), y_n=sinh(x)*sin(y), z_n=z; ‘8’ – Toroidal coordinates x_n=sinh(x)*cos(z)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), y_n=sinh(x)*sin(z)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), z_n=sin(y)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)); ‘9’ – Bispherical coordinates x_n=sin(y)*cos(z)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), y_n=sin(y)*sin(z)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), z_n=sinh(x)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)); ‘10’ – Bipolar coordinates x_n=sinh(x)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), y_n=sin(y)/(cosh(x)-cos(y)), z_n=z.

MGL command: caxis z1 z2

Sets the range for surface coloring. Initial range is [-1, 1].

MGL command: origin x0 y0 [z0=nan]

Center of axis cross section. If one of values is nan then MathGL library try to select optimal axis position.

MGL command: ternary val

The command sets to draws Ternary plot. This special plot is for 3 dependent coordinates (components) a, b, c so that a+b+c=1. MathGL uses only 2 independent coordinates a=x and b=y since it is enough to plot everything. At this third coordinate z act as another parameter to produce contour lines, surfaces and so on. See section Ternary plot sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: xrange dat [add=off fact=0]

MGL command: yrange dat [add=off fact=0]

MGL command: zrange dat [add=off fact=0]

MGL command: crange dat [add=off fact=0]

Sets the range for x-,y-,z- coordinate or coloring as minimal and maximal values of data dat. Parameter add=on shows that the new range will be joined to existed one (nut will not replace it). Parameter fact add additional range increase on value (Max-Min)*fact.

MGL command: xrange x1 x2
MGL command: yrange x1 x2
MGL command: zrange x1 x2
MGL command: crange x1 x2

Sets the range for x-,y-,z- coordinate or coloring. See also axis.

MGL command: xtick val [sub=0 org=nan]

MGL command: ytick val [sub=0 org=nan]

MGL command: ztick val [sub=0 org=nan]

MGL command: ctick val

Sets step for x-, y-, z-axis ticks or colorbar ticks (if val>0) or it’s number (if val<0) in corresponding direction. Zero value val=0 sets logarithmic ticks. Parameter sub sets the number of sub-ticks. Parameter org set the starting points for ticks. If not org=nan then the value from origin is used.

MGL command: xtick 'templ'
MGL command: ytick 'templ'
MGL command: ztick 'templ'
MGL command: ctick 'templ'

Sets the template for x-, y-, z-axis ticks or colorbar ticks. It may contain TeX symbols also. If templ='' then default template is used (in simplest case it is ‘%.2g’) with automatic detaching of common multiplier or common component.

MGL command: xtick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]
MGL command: ytick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]
MGL command: ztick val1 'lbl1' [val2 'lbl2' ...]

Sets manual positions val1,val2,... and labels lbl1,lbl2,... for ticks along x-, y-, z-axis. Labels may contain TeX symbols also.

MGL command: adjust ['dir'='xyzc']

Set the ticks step, number of sub-ticks and initial ticks position to be the most human readable for the axis along direction(s) dir.

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8.4 Transformation matrix (MGL)

These commands control how and where further plotting will be placed. There is a curtain order of calling of these commands for the better plot view. First one should be subplot or inplot for specifying the place. After it a rotate and aspect. And finally any other plotting commands may be called. Alternatevely you can use columnplot for position plots in the column one by another without gap between plot axis (bounding boxes).

MGL command: subplot nx ny m [dx=0 dy=0]

Puts further plotting in a m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the whole frame area. This command set off any aspects or rotations. So it should be used first for creating the subplot. From the aesthetical point of view it is not recommended to use this command with different matrices in the same frame. The position of the cell can be shifted from its default position by relative size dx, dy.

MGL command: subplot nx ny m 'style'

The same as previous but space reserved for axis/colorbar is saved only if style contain: ‘L’ or ‘<’ – at left side, ‘R’ or ‘>’ – at right side, ‘A’ or ‘^’ – at top side, ‘U’ or ‘_’ – at bottom side.

MGL command: inplot x1 x2 y1 y2 [rel=off]

Puts further plotting in some region of the whole frame surface. This command allows one to create a plot in arbitrary place of the screen. The position is defined by rectangular coordinates [x1, x2]*[y1, y2]. The coordinates x1, x2, y1, y2 are normalized to interval [0, 1]. If parameter rel=on then the relative position to current subplot is used. This command set off any aspects or rotations. So it should be used first for creating subplot.

MGL command: columnplot num ind [d=0]

Puts further plotting in ind-th cell of column with num cells. The position is relative to previous subplot call (or inplot with rel=off). Parameter d set extra gap between cells.

MGL command: stickplot num ind tet phi

Puts further plotting in ind-th cell of stick with num cells. At this, stick is rotated on angles tet, phi. The position is relative to previous subplot call (or inplot with rel=off).

MGL command: rotate tetz tetx [tety=0]

Rotates a further plotting relative to each axis (x, z, y) consecutively on angles tetx, tetz, tety.

MGL command: rotate tet x y z

Rotates a further plotting around vector {x,y,z} on angle tet.

MGL command: aspect ax ay [az=1]

Defines aspect ratio for the plot. The viewable axes will be related one to another as the ratio ax:ay:az. For the best effect it should be used after rotate command.

MGL command: perspective val

Add (switch on) the perspective to plot. The parameter val ~ 1/z_eff \in [0,1). By default (val=0) the perspective is off.

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8.5 Export to file (MGL)

MGL command: write 'fname' [solid=off]

Exports current picture/frame to file ’fname’ (file type is determined by extension). Solid (usually white) background will be used if solid=on. If ’fname’=” then the file ‘frameNNNN.jpg’ is used, where ‘NNNN’ is current frame id.

MGL command: setsize w h

Sets size of picture in pixels. This function call must be placed before any plotting command because it completely remove picture content. In some program the call of this function is forbidden.

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8.6 Primitives drawing

These commands draw some simple objects like line, point, sphere, drop, cone and so on.

MGL command: clf

Clear the picture by removes all drawing from it. Does not change transformation matrix.

MGL command: ball x y ['col'='r']
MGL command: ball x y z ['col'='r']

Draws a point (ball) at position {x, y, z} with color defined by string col.

MGL command: line x1 y1 x2 y2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: line x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ['stl'='']

Draws a geodesic line (straight line in Cartesian coordinates) from point {x1,y1,z1} to {x2,y2,z2} using line style stl.

MGL command: curve x1 y1 dx1 dy1 x2 y2 dx2 dy2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: curve x1 y1 z1 dx1 dy1 dz1 x2 y2 z2 dx2 dy2 dz2 ['stl'='']

Draws Bezier-like curve from point {x1,y1,z1} to {x2,y2,z2} using line style stl. At this tangent is co-directed with {dx1,dy1,dz1}, {dx2,dy2,dz2} and proportional to its amplitude.

MGL command: facex x0 y0 z0 wy wz ['stl'='' d1=0 d2=0]

MGL command: facey x0 y0 z0 wx wz ['stl'='' d1=0 d2=0]

MGL command: facez x0 y0 z0 wx wy ['stl'='' d1=0 d2=0]

Draws the solid rectangle (face) perpendicular to [x,y,z]-axis correspondingly at position {x0, y0, z0} with color stl and with widths wx, wy, wz along corresponding directions. At this colors can be the same for all vertexes or different if all 4 colors are specified for each vertex. Parameters d1!=0, d2!=0 set additional shift of the last vertex (i.e. to draw quadrangle).

MGL command: sphere x0 y0 r ['col'='r']
MGL command: sphere x0 y0 z0 r ['col'='r']

Draw the sphere with radius r and center at point {x0, y0, z0} and color stl.

MGL command: drop x0 y0 dx dy r ['col'='b' sh=1 asp=1]
MGL command: drop x0 y0 z0 dx dy dz r ['col'='b' sh=1 asp=1]

Draw the drop with radius r at point {x0,y0,z0} elongated in direction {dx,dy,dz} and with color col. Parameter sh set the degree of drop oblongness: ‘0’ is sphere, ‘1’ is maximally oblongness drop. Parameter asp set relative width of the drop (this is analogue of “ellipticity” for the sphere). See section Drops sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cone x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 r1 [r2=-1 'stl'='' edge=off]

Draw tube (or truncated cone if edge=off) between points {x1,y1,z1}, {x2,y2,z2} with radiuses at the edges r1, r2. If r2<0 then it is supposed that r2=r1. The cone color is defined by string stl.

MGL command: rect x1 y1 x2 y2 ['st'='']
MGL command: rect x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ['st'='']

Draw rectangle from point {x1,y1,z1} to point {x2,y2,z2} using colors stl. If stl have 4 or more colors then it defines colors for each rectangle vertex (useful for making gradients, like ‘wwrr’) else first color is used for whole rectangle.

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8.7 Text printing (MGL)

These commands draw the text. There are commands for drawing text in arbitrary place, in arbitrary direction and along arbitrary curve. It is possible to use arbitrary font-faces and parse many TeX commands. The Unicode text is supported. So sometimes you need to specify locale. The size argument control the size of text: if positive it give the value, if negative it give the value relative to defined by font command. See section Font styles.

MGL command: text x y 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-1.4]
MGL command: text x y z 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-1.4]

Draws unrotated text string text at position {x,y,z} with specified style fnt and size. By default parameters from font command are used.

MGL command: text x y dx dy 'text' [size=-1.4]
MGL command: text x y z dx dy dz 'text' [size=-1.4]

The command plots the string text at position {x,y,z} along direction {dx,dy,dz} with specified style fnt and size. By default parameters from font command are used.

MGL command: text ydat 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-1 zval=nan]
MGL command: text xdat ydat 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-1 zval=nan]
MGL command: text xdat ydat zdat 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-1]

The command draws text along the curve between points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} by font style fnt and with size size. The string fnt may contain symbols ‘t’ for printing the text under the curve (default), or ‘T’ for printing the text above the curve. The sizes of 1st dimension must be equal for all arrays xdat.nx=ydat.nx=zdat.nx. If array xdat is not specified then its an automatic array is used with values equidistantly distributed along x. If array zdat is not specified then z[i] = zval is used. See section Text sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: title 'text' ['fnt'='' size=-2]

Print string text as title of the picture (at the top of the picture). Can be used at any place (even inside subplot).

MGL command: fgets x y 'fname' [n=0 'fnt'='' size=-1.4]
MGL command: fgets x y z 'fname' [n=0 'fnt'='' size=-1.4]

Draws unrotated n-th line of file fname at position {x,y,z} with specified size. By default parameters from font command are used.

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8.8 Axis and Colorbar (MGL)

These commands draw the “things for measuring”, like axis with ticks, colorbar with ticks, grid along axis, bounding box and labels for axis. For more information see section Axis settings (MGL).

MGL command: axis ['dir'='xyz' adjust=off]

Draws axes with ticks (see section Axis settings (MGL)) in directions determined by string parameter dir.If string contain the symbol ‘_’ then tick labels are not printed. Font for ticks labels is determined by command font. Ticks will be automatically adjusted if adjust=on (by call of adjust 'dir').

MGL command: colorbar ['sch'='' pos=0]

Draws colorbar with color scheme sch (current scheme if sch='') at edge of plot. Parameter pos specifies the position of colorbar: ‘0’ - at right (default), ‘1’ - at left, ‘2’ - at top, ‘3’ - at bottom. If string sch contains ‘<>^_’ then the parameter pos is defined as: pos=0 for ‘>’ (right), pos=1 for ‘<’ (left), pos=2 for ‘^’ (top), pos=3 for ‘_’ (bottom). If string have ‘A’ then absolute (relative to picture) coordinates is used. See section Dens sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: colorbar vdat ['sch'='' pos=0]

The same as previous but with sharp colors sch (current palette if sch="") for values v. See section ContD sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: colorbar 'sch' pos x y w h

The same as first one but at arbitrary position of subplot {x, y} (supposed to be in range [0,1]). Parameters w, h set the relative width and height of the colorbar.

MGL command: grid ['dir'='xyz' 'pen'='B']

Draws grid lines perpendicular to direction determined by string parameter dir. The step of grid lines is the same as tick step for an axis. The style of lines is determined by pen parameter.

MGL command: box ['stl'='k' ticks=on]

Draws bounding box outside the plotting volume with line style ’stl’. If ticks=on then ticks are drawn with current axis setting.

MGL command: xlabel 'text' [pos=0 size=-1.4 shift=0]

MGL command: ylabel 'text' [pos=0 size=-1.4 shift=0]

MGL command: zlabel 'text' [pos=0 size=-1.4 shift=0]

MGL command: tlabel 'text' [pos=0 size=-1.4 shift=0]

Prints the label text for x-,y-,z-,t-axis (here ‘t’ is “ternary” axis t=1-x-y). The position of label is determined by pos parameter. If pos=0 then label is printed at the center of axis. If pos>0 then label is printed at the maximum of axis (default). If pos<0 then label is printed at the minimum of axis. The font size is 1.4 times larger than the one for ticks font. Parameter shift specify additional shifting of the label. See section Text printing (MGL).

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8.9 Legend (MGL)

These commands draw legend to the graph (useful for 1D plotting (MGL)). Legend entry is a pair of strings: one for style of the line, another one with description text (with included LaTeX parsing). The array of string are accumulated first to the internal arrays (by command addlegend) and are plotted later. The position of the legend can be selected automatic or manually. Parameters fnt and size specify the font style and size. Parameter llen set the relative width of the line sample and the text indent (default value is 0.1). If line style string for entry is empty then the corresponding text is printed without indent. If string contains ‘A’ then legend coordinates set position in the picture. See section Legend sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: legend [pos=3 'fnt'='rL' size=-1 llen=0.1]

Draws legend of accumulated legend entries by font fnt with specified size. Parameter pos sets the position of the legend: ‘0’ is bottom left corner, ‘1’ is bottom right corner, ‘2’ is top left corner, ‘3’ is top right corner (is default).

MGL command: legend x y ['fnt'='rL' size=-1 llen=0.1]

Draws legend of accumulated legend entries by font fnt with size. Position of legend in the current subplot is determined by parameter x, y which supposed to be normalized to interval [0,1].

MGL command: addlegend 'text' 'stl'

Adds string text to internal legend accumulator. The style of described line and mark is specified in string stl (see section Line styles). Maximal number of entries is 100.

MGL command: clearlegend

Clears saved legend strings.

MGL command: legendbox val

Switches on/off the drawing of a box near legend. By default, the box is drawn.

MGL command: legendmarks val

Set the number of marks in the legend. By default 1 mark is used.

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8.10 1D plotting (MGL)

These commands perform plotting of 1D data. 1D means that data depended from only 1 parameter like parametric curve {x(i),y(i),z(i)}, i=1...n. There are 5 generally different types of data representations: simple line plot (plot), line plot with filling under it (area), stairs plot (step), bar plot (bars, barh) and vertical lines (stem). Each type of plotting has similar interface. Most of plotting type has similar interface. There are 3D version and two 2D versions. One of last requires single array. The parameters of line and marks are specified by the string argument. If the string parameter is NULL then solid line with color from palette is used (see section Line styles). Also there are some special 1d plots having slightly different interface: surface of curve rotation (torus), chart (chart) and error boxes (error), marks with variable size (mark), tubes (tube) and so on. See section 1D plot sample, for sample code and picture.

The plots are drawn for each row if one of the data is the matrix. By any case the sizes of 1st dimension must be equal for all arrays xdat.nx=ydat.nx=zdat.nx. If array xdat is not specified then its an automatic array is used with values equidistantly distributed along x. If array zdat is not specified then zdat[i] = zval is used (the default is at the bottom of the bounding box). String stl specifies the color and style of line and marks (see section Line styles). By default (stl='') solid line with color from palette is used (see section Line styles).

MGL command: plot ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: plot xdat ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: plot xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws continuous lines between points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. See also area, step, stem, tube, mark, error, belt, tens. See section Plot sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: radar adat ['stl'='' r=-1]

Draws radar chart which is continuous lines between points located on an radial lines (like plot in Polar coordinates). The plots are drawn for each row if one of the data is the matrix. Parameter r set the additional shift of data (i.e. the data adat+r is used instead of adat). If r<0 then r=max(0, -min(adat). String pen specifies the color and style of line and marks (see section Line styles). By default (stl="") solid line with color from palette is used (see section Line styles). If pen containt ‘#’ symbol then "grid" (radial lines and circle for r) is drawn See also plot. See section Radar sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tens ydat cdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tens xdat ydat cdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tens xdat ydat zdat cdat ['stl'='']

Draws continuous lines between points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} with color defined by cdat[i] (look like tension plot). See also plot, mesh, fall. See section Tens sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: area ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: area xdat ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: area xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws continuous lines between points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} and fills it down to axis (to axis plane in 3D). You can use gradient filling if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. If string contain symbol ‘a’ then lines are drawn one above another (like summation). See also plot, bars, stem, region. See section Area sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: region fdat gdat ['stl'='' inside=off]
MGL command: region xdat fdat gdat ['stl'='' inside=off]

Fills area between curves {xdat[i], fdat[i]} and {xdat[i], gdat[i]}. Parameter inside=off set to fill are with y1<y<y2 else the area with y2<y<y1 will be also filled. You can use gradient filling if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. See also area, bars, stem. See section Region sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: stem ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: stem xdat ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: stem xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws vertical lines from points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} to axis (to axis plane in 3D). See also area, bars, plot, mark. See section Stem sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: bars ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: bars xdat ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: bars xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws vertical bars from points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} to axis (to axis plane in 3D). If style contain symbol ‘a’ then lines are drawn one above another. If string contain symbol ‘f’ then waterfall chart is drawn for determining the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. You can different colors for positive and negative values if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. See also barh, area, stem, chart. See section Bars sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: barh vdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: barh ydat vdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]

Draws horizontal bars from points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]} to y-axis. If array ydat is not specified then its an automatic array is used with values equidistantly distributed along y. Marks at data points are not drawn. If style contain symbol ‘a’ then lines are drawn one above another. If string contain symbol ‘f’ then waterfall chart is drawn for determining the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. You can different colors for positive and negative values if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. See also bars. See section Barh sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: chart adat ['col'='']

The command draws colored stripes (boxes) for data in array adat. The number of stripes is equal to the number of rows in adat (equal to a.ny). The color of each next stripe is cyclically changed from colors specified in string col or in palette. Spaces in colors denote transparent “color”, i.e. if col contain space(s) then corresponding stripe(s) are not drawn. The stripe width is proportional to value of element in a. Chart is plotted only for data with non-negative elements. If string col have symbol ‘#’ then black border lines are drawn. The most nice form the chart have in 3d (after rotation of coordinates) or in cylindrical coordinates (becomes so called Pie chart). See section Chart sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: step ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: step xdat ydat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: step xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws continuous stairs for points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. See also plot, stem, tile, boxs. See section Step sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: torus zdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: torus rdat zdat ['stl'='']

Draws surface which is result of curve {rdat[i], zdat[i], zdat[i]} rotation around axialdir axis. If array rdat is not specified then its an automatic array is used with values equidistantly distributed along x. See also plot, axial. See section Torus sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tube ydat rdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tube ydat rval ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tube xdat ydat rdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tube xdat ydat rval ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tube xdat ydat zdat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube xdat ydat zdat rval ['stl'='']

Draws tube with variable radius rdat[i] (or rval) at points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. See also plot. See section Tube sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: mark ydat rdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: mark xdat ydat rdat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: mark xdat ydat zdat rdat ['stl'='']

Draws marks with size rdat[i]*marksize at points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. See also plot, textmark, stem, error. See section Mark sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: textmark ydat 'txt' ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: textmark ydat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: textmark xdat ydat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: textmark xdat ydat zdat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='']

Draws string txt as marks with size rdat[i]*marksize at points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. If array rdat is not specified then rdat[i] = 1. See also plot, mark, stem. See section Error sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: error ydat yerr ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: error xdat ydat yerr ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: error xdat ydat xerr yerr ['stl'='' zval=nan]

Draws error boxes {xerr[i], yerr[i]} at points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zval}. See also plot. See section TextMark sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: boxplot adat ['stl'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: boxplot xdat adat ['stl'='' zval=nan]

Draws boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram) at points xdat in plane z=zval (by default is at the bottom of the bounding box). This is five-number summaries of data <em>adat</em> (minimum, lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3) and maximum) along second (j-th) direction. See also plot, error, bars. See section BoxPlot sample, for sample code and picture.

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8.11 2D plotting (MGL)

These commands perform plotting of 2D data. 2D means that data depend from 2 independent parameters like matrix f(x_i,y_j), i=1...n, j=1...m. There are 6 generally different types of data representations: simple mesh lines plot (mesh), surface plot (surf), surface plot by boxes (boxs), surface plot by tiles (tile), waterfall-like plot (fall), belt plot (belt), density plot (dens), contour lines plot (cont), solid contours plot (contf) and its rotational figure (axial). Commands cont, contf and axial have variants for automatic and manual selection of level values for contours. Also there are commands for plotting data grid lines according to the data format (grid) for enhancing density or contour plots. Each type of plotting has similar interface. There are 2 kind of versions which handle the arrays of data and coordinates or only single data array. See section 2D plot sample, for sample code and picture.

String parameter sch sets the color scheme (see section Color scheme). Previous color scheme is used by default. The minor dimensions of arrays xdat, ydat, zdat should be equal xdat.nx=zdat.nx && ydat.nx=zdat.ny or xdat.nx=ydat.nx=zdat.nx && xdat.ny=ydat.ny=zdat.ny. Arrays xdat and ydat can be vectors (not matrices as zdat). If array xdat, ydat is not specified then its an automatic arrays are used with values equidistantly distributed along x, y. Graphics are plotted for each z-slice of the data.

MGL command: surf zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. See also mesh, dens, belt, tile, boxs, surfc, surfa. See section Surf sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: mesh zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: mesh xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws mesh lines for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. See also surf, fall, meshnum, cont, tens. See section Mesh sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: fall zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: fall xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws fall lines for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. If sch contain ‘x’ then lines are drawn along x-direction else (by default) lines are drawn along y-direction. See also belt, mesh, tens, meshnum. See section Fall sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: belt zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: belt xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws belts for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. If sch contain ‘x’ then belts are drawn along x-direction else (by default) lines are drawn along y-direction. See also fall, surf, plot, meshnum. See section Belt sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: boxs zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: boxs xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws vertical boxes for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. See also surf, dens, tile, step. See section Boxs sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tile zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: tile xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws horizontal tiles for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. Such plot can be used as 3d generalization of step. See also surf, boxs, step, tiles. See section Tile sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: dens zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: dens xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws density plot for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} at z = zVal. See also surf, cont, contf, boxs, tile, dens[xyz]. See section Dens sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cont vdat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: cont vdat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws contour lines for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} at z = zVal (or for z=vdat[k] if zval=nan). Contours are plotted for zdat[i,j]=vdat[k] for all k. If string stl contain ’t’ (or ’T’) symbol then contour labels will be drawn below (or above) the contours. See also dens, contf, contd, axial, cont[xyz]. See section Cont sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cont zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]
MGL command: cont xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see, caxis).

MGL command: contf vdat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: contf vdat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws solid (or filled) contours for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} at z = zVal (or for z=vdat[k] if zval=nan). Contours are plotted for zdat[i,j]=vdat[k] for all k (must be vdat.nx>2). See also dens, cont, contd, contf[xyz]. See section ContF sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: contf zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]
MGL command: contf xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see, caxis).

MGL command: contd vdat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: contd vdat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws solid (or filled) contours for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} at z = zVal (or for z=vdat[k] if zval=nan) with manual colors. Contours are plotted for zdat[i,j]=vdat[k] for all k (must be vdat.nx>2). The color of k-th contour is sch[k%strlen(sch)]. See also dens, cont, contf. See section ContD sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: contd zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]
MGL command: contd xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see, caxis).

MGL command: axial vdat zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: axial vdat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Draws surface which is result of contour plot rotation surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. Contours are plotted for zdat[i,j]=vdat[k] for all k. If string sch have symbol ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. If string sch contain symbols ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ then rotation axis axialdir will be set to specified direction. If string sch have symbol ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. See also cont, contf, torus, surf3. See section Axial sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: axial zdat ['sch'='' num=3]
MGL command: axial xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' num=3]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see, caxis).

MGL command: grad pdat ['sch'='' num=5 zval=nan]
MGL command: grad xdat ydat pdat ['sch'='' num=5 zval=nan]
MGL command: grad xdat ydat zdat pdat ['sch'='' num=5]

Draws gradient lines for scalar field pdat specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j]} or {xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]}. String sch sets the color scheme. Previous color scheme is used by default. Number of lines is proportional to num. If num<0 then lines start from borders only. See also dens, cont, dens3, cont3, flow. See section Grad sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: grid2 zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: grid2 xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws grid lines for density plot of surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} at z = zVal. See also dens, cont, contf.

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8.12 3D plotting (MGL)

These commands perform plotting of 3D data. 3D means that data depend from 3 independent parameters like matrix f(x_i,y_j,z_k), i=1...n, j=1...m, k=1...l. There are 4 generally different types of data representations: isosurface or surface of constant value (surf3), density plot at slices (Dens3), contour lines plot at slices (cont3), solid contours plot at slices (contf3) and cloud-like plot (cloud). Commands surf3, cont3 and contf3 have variants for automatic and manual selection of level values for surfaces/contours. Also there are commands for plotting data grid lines according to the data format (grid3) for enhancing density or contour plots. Each type of plotting has similar interface. There are 2 kind of versions which handle the arrays of data and coordinates or only single data array. See section 3D plot sample, for sample code and picture.

String paramter sch sets the color scheme (see section Color scheme). Previous color scheme is used by default. Arrays x, y, z can be vectors (not 3d arrays as a). If array xdat, ydat, zdat is not specified then its an automatic arrays are used with values equidistantly distributed along x, y, z.

MGL command: surf3 adat val ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3 xdat ydat zdat adat val ['sch'='']

Draws isosurface plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]) at a(x,y,z)=val. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. See also cloud, dens3, surf3c, surf3a, axial. See section Surf3 sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3 adat ['sch'='' num=5]
MGL command: surf3 xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='' num=5]

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range (see caxis) isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: dens3 adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']
MGL command: dens3 xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']

Draws density plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]). Density is plotted at slice sval in dir={‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} direction. If string stl have symbol ‘#’ then grid lines are drawn. See also cont3, contf3, dens, grid3. See section Dens3 sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: densa adat ['sch'='']
MGL command: densa xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='']

Draws density plots at all central slices of the 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: cont3 vdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']
MGL command: cont3 vdat xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']

Draws contour plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]). Contours are plotted for values specified in array vdat at slice sval in dir={‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} direction. If string stl have symbol ‘#’ then grid lines are drawn. If string stl contain ’t’ (or ’T’) symbol then contour labels will be drawn below (or above) the contours. See also dens3, contf3, cont, grid3. See section Cont3 sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cont3 adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='' num=7]
MGL command: cont3 xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='' num=7]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see caxis).

MGL command: conta adat ['sch'='' num=7]
MGL command: conta xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='' num=7]

Draws contour plots at all central slices of the 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: contf3 vdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']
MGL command: contf3 vdat xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']

Draws solid contour plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]). Contours are plotted for values specified in array vdat at slice sval in dir={‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} direction. If string stl have symbol ‘#’ then grid lines are drawn. See also dens3, cont3, contf, grid3. See section ContF3 sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: contf3 adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='' num=7]
MGL command: contf3 xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='' num=7]

The same as previous one with vector vdat of num-th elements equidistantly distributed in color range (see caxis).

MGL command: contfa adat ['sch'='' num=7]
MGL command: contfa xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='' num=7]

Draws solid contour plots at all central slices of the 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: grid3 adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']
MGL command: grid3 xdat ydat zdat adat 'dir' [sval=-1 'sch'='']

Draws grid for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]). Grid is plotted at slice sval in dir={‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’} direction. See also cont3, contf3, dens3, grid2. See section Dens3 sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: grida adat ['sch'='']
MGL command: grida xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='']

Draws grids at all central slices of the 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: cloud adat ['sch'='']
MGL command: cloud xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='']

Draws cloud for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]). This plot is a set of cubes with color and transparency proportional to value of adat. The resulting plot is like cloud – low value is transparent but higher ones are not. The number of plotting cells depend on meshnum. Paramater alpha changes the overall transparency of plot. See also surf3. See section Cloud sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: beam tr g1 g2 adat rval ['sch'='' flag=0 num=3]

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range (see caxis) isosurfaces for 3d array adat. This is special kind of plot for adat specified in accompanied coordinates along curve tr with orts g1, g2 and with transverse scale rval. Variable flag is bitwise: ‘0x1’ - draw in accompanied (not laboratory) coordinates; ‘0x2’ - draw projection to \rho-z plane; ‘0x4’ - draw normalized in each slice field. The x-size of data arrays tr, g1, g2 must be nx>2. The y-size of data arrays tr, g1, g2 and z-size of the data array a must be equal. See also surf3.

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8.13 Dual plotting (MGL)

These plotting commands draw two matrix simultaneously. There are 5 generally different types of data representations: surface or isosurface colored by other data (surfc, surf3c), surface or isosurface transpared by other data (surfa, surf3a), tiles with variable size (tiles), mapping diagram (map), STFA diagram (stfa). Commands surf3a and surf3c have variants for automatic and manual selection of level values for isosurfaces. Each type of plotting has similar interface. There are 2 kind of versions which handle the arrays of data and coordinates or only single data array.

String paramter sch sets the color scheme (see section Color scheme). Previous color scheme is used by default. Arrays x, y, z can be vectors (not 3d arrays as a). If array xdat, ydat, zdat is not specified then its an automatic arrays are used with values equidistantly distributed along x, y, z.

MGL command: surfc zdat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surfc xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']

Draws surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} and color it by matrix cdat[i,j]. See also surf, surfa, surf3c. See section SurfC sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3c adat cdat val ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3c xdat ydat zdat adat cdat val ['sch'='']

Draws isosurface plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]) at a(x,y,z)=val. It is mostly the same as surf3 command but the color of isosurface depends on values of array cdat. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. See also surf3, surfc, surf3a. See section Surf3C sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3c adat cdat ['sch'='' num=5]
MGL command: surf3c xdat ydat zdat adat cdat ['sch'='' num=5]

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range (see caxis) isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: surfa zdat cdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: surfa xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']

Draws surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]} and transparent it by matrix cdat[i,j]. See also surf, surfc, surf3a, tiles. See section SurfA sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3a adat cdat val ['sch'='']
MGL command: surf3a xdat ydat zdat adat cdat val ['sch'='']

Draws isosurface plot for 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]) at a(x,y,z)=val. It is mostly the same as surf3 command but the transparency of isosurface depends on values of array cdat. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. See also surf3, surfa, surf3c. See section Surf3A sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: surf3a adat cdat ['sch'='' num=5]
MGL command: surf3a xdat ydat zdat adat cdat ['sch'='' num=5]

Draws num-th uniformly distributed in color range (see caxis) isosurfaces for 3d data specified parametrically.

MGL command: tiles zdat rdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: tiles xdat ydat zdat rdat ['sch'='']

Draws horizontal tiles for surface specified parametrically {xdat[i,j], ydat[i,j], zdat[i,j]}. It is mostly the same as tile but the size of tiles is determined by rdat array. See also surfa, tile. See section TileS sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: map udat vdat ['sch'='' pnts=on]
MGL command: map xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' pnts=on]

Draws mapping plot for matrixes {udat, vdat } which parametrically depend on coordinates xdat, ydat. The previous position of the cell (point) is marked by color. Height is proportional to Jacobian(udat,vdat). This plot is like Arnold diagram ???. If pnts=off then face is drawn otherwise the color ball at matrix knots are drawn. The size of udat and vdat must be the same. See section Map sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: stfa re im dn ['sch'='' pnts=on]
MGL command: stfa xdat ydat re im dn ['sch'='' pnts=on]

Draws spectrogram of complex array re+i*im for Fourier size of dn points at plane z=zVal. Parameter dn is arbitrary even integer. For example in 1D case, result is density plot of data res[i,j]=|\sum_d^dn exp(I*j*d)*(re[i*dn+d]+I*im[i*dn+d])|/dn with size {int(nx/dn), dn, ny}. See section STFA sample, for sample code and picture.

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8.14 Vector fields (MGL)

These commands perform plotting of 2D and 3D vector fields. There are 6 generally different types of vector fields representations: simple vector field (vect), vector field by dew-drops (dew), flow threads (flow), flow pipes (pipe), vectors along a curve (traj). Each type of plotting has similar interface. There are 2 kind of versions which handle the arrays of data and coordinates or only single data array. Parameters of color scheme are specified by the string argument. See section Color scheme.

The color is specified by the string argument sch. Previous color scheme is used by default. Parameter flag setup the hachures (arrows). It is combination of values: 1 for drawing bi-color arrow, 2 for drawing fixed length arrows, 4 for drawing arrows to the cell point, 8 for drawing arrows with center at cell point, 16 for drawing hachures with dots instead of arrows.

The size of udat, vdat and wdat must be equal. The minor dimensions of arrays xdat, ydat, zdat and udat must be equal too. Arrays xdat, ydat and zdat can be vectors (not matrices as udat). The graphics is plotted for each z slice of udat, vdat for 2D case.

MGL command: traj xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan len=0]
MGL command: traj xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' len=0]

Draws vectors {udat, vdat, wdat} along a curve xdat, ydat, zdat. The length and color of arrows are proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See also vect. See section Traj sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vect udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan flag=0]
MGL command: vect xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan flag=0]

Draws plane vector field plot for the field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zval. The length and color of arrows are proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. The number of arrows depend on meshnum. See also flow, dew, vectc. See section Vect sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vect udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' flag=0]
MGL command: vect xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' flag=0]

This is 3D version of the previous command. Here arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the length and color of arrows are proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section Vect 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vectc udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: vectc xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws plane vector field plot for the field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zVal. The color of hachures is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. The number of hachures depend on meshnum. See also vect, flow, pipe, dew. See section VectC sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vectc udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: vectc xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']

This is 3D version of the previous command. Here arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the color of hachures is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section VectC 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vectl udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: vectl xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws plane vector field plot for the field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zVal. The length of hachures is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. The number of hachures depend on meshnum. See also vectc, flow, pipe, dew. See section Vect sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: vectl udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: vectl xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']

This is 3D version of the previous command. Here arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the length of hachures is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section VectL 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: dew udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: dew xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws dew-drops for plane vector field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zval. The color of drops is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. The number of drops depend on meshnum. Note that this is very expensive plot in memory usage and creation time! See also vect. See section Dew sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: flow udat vdat ['sch'='' num=5 zval=nan]
MGL command: flow xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' num=5 zval=nan]

Draws plane flow threads for the vector field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zVal. Number of threads is proportional to num. The color of lines is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. Warm color corresponds to normal flow (like attractor). Cold one corresponds to inverse flow (like source). See also vect, vectc, pipe. See section Flow sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: flow udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' num=3]
MGL command: flow xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' num=3]

This is 3D version of the previous command. Here arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the color is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section Flow 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: flow x0 y0 udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: flow x0 y0 xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]

Draws plane flow threads for the vector field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat from point {x0, y0} at level z=zVal. The color of lines is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. Warm color corresponds to normal flow (like attractor). Cold one corresponds to inverse flow (like source). See also vect, vectc, pipe. See section Flow sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: flow x0 y0 z0 udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: flow x0 y0 z0 xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='']

Draws flow thread from point {x0, y0, z0}. Arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the color is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section Flow 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: pipe udat vdat ['sch'='' r0=0.05 num=5 zval=nan]
MGL command: pipe xdat ydat udat vdat ['sch'='' r0=0.05 num=5 zval=nan]

Draws plane flow pipes for the vector field {udat, vdat} depending parametrically on coordinates xdat, ydat at level z=zVal. Number of pipes is proportional to num. The color of pipes is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2. Warm color corresponds to normal flow (like attractor). Cold one corresponds to inverse flow (like source). Parameter r0 set the base pipe radius. If r0<0 then pipe radius is inverse proportional to amplitude. The size of ax and ay must be equal. See also vect, vectc, pipe. See section Pipe sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: pipe udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' r0=0.05 num=3]
MGL command: pipe xdat ydat zdat udat vdat wdat ['sch'='' r0=0.05 num=3]

This is 3D version of the previous command. Here arrays udat, vdat, wdat must be 3-ranged tensors with equal sizes and the color is proportional to \sqrtudat^2+vdat^2+wdat^2. See section Pipe 3D sample, for sample code and picture.

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8.15 Other plotting (MGL)

These commands perform miscelaneous plotting. There is unstructured data points plots (Dots), surface reconstruction (Crust), surfaces on the triangular mesh (TriPlot) or quadrangular mesh (QuadPlot), textual formula plotting (Plots by formula), data plots at edges (Dens[XYZ], Cont[XYZ], ContF[XYZ]), simple plot (SimplePlot). Each type of plotting has similar interface. There are 2 kind of versions which handle the arrays of data and coordinates or only single data array. Parameters of color scheme are specified by the string argument. See section Color scheme.

MGL command: densx dat ['sch'='' val=nan]
MGL command: densy dat ['sch'='' val=nan]
MGL command: densz dat ['sch'='' val=nan]

These plotting commands draw density plot in x, y or z plain. If dat is a tensor (3-dimensional data) then interpolation to a given val is performed. These commands are useful for creating projections of the 3D data array to the bounding box. See also cont[xyz], contf[xyz], dens. See section Dens projection sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: contx dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]
MGL command: conty dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]
MGL command: contz dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]

These plotting commands draw contour lines in x, y or z plain. If dat is a tensor (3-dimensional data) then interpolation to a given val is performed. These commands are useful for creating projections of the 3D data array to the bounding box. See also dens[xyz], contf[xyz], cont. See section Cont projection sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: contfx dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]
MGL command: contfy dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]
MGL command: contfz dat ['sch'='' val=nan num=7]

These plotting commands draw solid contours in x, y or z plain. If dat is a tensor (3-dimensional data) then interpolation to a given val is performed. These commands are useful for creating projections of the 3D data array to the bounding box. See also dens[xyz], cont[xyz], contf.

MGL command: dots xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: dots xdat ydat zdat adat ['sch'='']

Draws the arbitrary placed points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. Variable adat[i] set transparency for dots. See also crust, mark, plot. See section Dots sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: crust xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']

Reconstructs and draws the surface for arbitrary placed points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. See also dots, triplot. See section Crust sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: triplot idat xdat ydat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: triplot idat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: triplot idat xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']

Draws the surface of triangles. Triangle vertexes are set by indexes idat of data points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. First dimensions of idat must be 3 or greater. See also dots, crust, quadplot. Parameter cdat set the colors of triangles (if idat.ny=cdat.nx) or colors of vertexes (if xdat.nx=cdat.nx). See also dots, crust, quadplot, tricont.

MGL command: tricont vdat idat xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tricont vdat idat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: tricont idat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='' num=7 zval=nan]

Draws contour lines for surface of triangles at z = zVal (or for z=vdat[k] if zval=nan). Triangle vertexes are set by indexes idat of data points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. Contours are plotted for zdat[i,j]=vdat[k] for all k (or num contours equidistantly distributed in range [Cmin, Cmax].). See also triplot, cont.

MGL command: quadplot idat xdat ydat ['sch'='' zval=nan]
MGL command: quadplot idat xdat ydat zdat ['sch'='']
MGL command: quadplot idat xdat ydat zdat cdat ['sch'='']

Draws the surface of quadrangles. Quadrangle vertexes are set by indexes idat of data points {xdat[i], ydat[i], zdat[i]}. If string contain ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. First dimensions of idat must be 4 or greater. See also triplot, dots, crust. Parameter cdat set the colors of triangles (if idat.ny=cdat.nx) or colors of vertexes (if xdat.nx=cdat.nx). See also triplot.

MGL command: fplot 'y(x)' ['pen'='' zval=nan num=100]

Draws command function ‘y(x)’ at plane z=zval where ‘x’ variable is changed in xrange. You do not need to create the data arrays to plot it. The parameter num set the minimal number of points along coordinate(s) for plots. See also plot.

MGL command: fplot 'x(t)' 'y(t)' 'z(t)' ['pen'='' num=100]

Draws command parametrical curve {‘x(t)’, ‘y(t)’, ‘z(t)’} where ‘t’ variable is changed in range [0, 1]. You do not need to create the data arrays to plot it. The parameter num set the minimal number of points along coordinate(s) for plots. See also plot.

MGL command: fsurf 'z(x,y)' ['sch'='' num=100]

Draws command surface for function ‘z(x,y)’ where ‘x’, ‘y’ variable are changed in xrange, yrange. You do not need to create the data arrays to plot it. The parameter num set the minimal number of points along coordinate(s) for plots. See also surf.

MGL command: fsurf 'x(u,v)' 'y(u,v)' 'z(u,v)' ['sch'='' num=100]

Draws command parametrical surface {‘x(u,v)’, ‘y(u,v)’, ‘z(u,v)’} where ‘u’, ‘v’ variable are changed in range [0, 1]. You do not need to create the data arrays to plot it. The parameter num set the minimal number of points along coordinate(s) for plots. See also surf.

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8.16 Nonlinear fitting (MGL)

These commands fit data to formula. Fitting goal is to find formula parameters for the best fit the data points, i.e. to minimize the sum \sum_i (f(x_i, y_i, z_i) - a_i)^2/s_i^2. At this, approximation function ‘f’ can depend only on one argument ‘x’ (1D case), on two arguments ‘x,y’ (2D case) and on three arguments ‘x,y,z’ (3D case). The command ‘f’ also may depend on parameters. Normally the list of fitted parameters is specified by var string (like, ‘abcd’). Usually user should supply initial values for fitted parameters by ini variable. But if he/she don’t supply it then the zeros are used.

Commands fit and fits do not draw the obtained data themselves. They fill the data out by formula ‘f’ with found coefficients. At this, the ‘x,y,z’ coordinates are equidistantly distributed in the bounding box. Number of points in out is selected as maximal value of out size or 100. Also you may print the last formula with found coefficients by putsfit command. See section Fitting sample, for sample code and picture.

The dimensions of arrays must be at least the same as the number of specified arrays xdat, ydat, zdat. Also the fitting only along specified directions will be performed (for example, along x and y if only xdat and ydat are specified). If array xdat is not specified then its an automatic array is used with values equidistantly distributed along x.

MGL command: fits adat sdat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fits xdat adat sdat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fits xdat ydat adat sdat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fits xdat ydat zdat adat sdat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]

Fit data along x-, y- and z-directions for 1d-,2d- or 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]) with weight factor sdat[i,j,k].

MGL command: fit adat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fit xdat adat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fit xdat ydat adat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]
MGL command: fit xdat ydat zdat adat 'func' 'var' [ini=0]

Fit data along x-, y- and z-directions for 1d-,2d- or 3d array specified parametrically adat[i,j,k](xdat[i,j,k], ydat[i,j,k], zdat[i,j,k]) with weight factor =1.

MGL command: putsfit x y ['pre'='' 'fnt'='' size=-1]

Print last fitted formula with found coefficients (as numbers) at position {x, y}. The string pre will be printed before formula. All other parameters are the same as in Text printing (MGL).

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8.17 Data create (MGL)

MGL command: new dat [nx=1 ny=1 nz=1]

Creates or recreates the array dat with specified size and fills it by zero. This command does nothing if one of parameters nx, ny, nz is zero or negative.

MGL command: var dat num v1 [v2=nan]

Creates new variable with name dat for one-dimensional array of size num. Array elements are equidistantly distributed in range [v1, v2]. If v2=nan then v2=v1 is used.

MGL command: list dat v1 ...

Creates new variable with name dat and fills it by numeric values of command arguments v1 .... Command can create one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays with arbitrary values. For creating 2d array the user should use delimiter ‘|’ which means that the following values lie in next row. Array sizes are [maximal of row sizes * number of rows]. For example, command list 1 | 2 3 creates the array [1 0; 2 3]. Note, that the maximal number of arguments is 1000.

MGL command: list dat d1 ...

Creates new variable with name dat and fills it by data values of arrays of command arguments d1 .... Command can create two-dimensional or three-dimensional (if arrays in arguments are 2d arrays) arrays with arbitrary values. Minor dimensions of all arrays in arguments should be equal to dimensions of first array d1. In the opposite case the argument will be ignored. Note, that the maximal number of arguments is 1000.

MGL command: copy dat1 dat2 ['eq'='' on_axis=on]
MGL command: copy dat1 val

Creates new variable with name dat1 and fills it by data values of array dat2. At this, if parameter eq is specified then the data will be modified by corresponding formula by the same way as in fill command (for on_axis=on) or in modify command (for on_axis=off).

MGL command: idset dat 'ids'

Set the symbol id for data columns. The string must contain one symbol ’a’...’z’ per column (without spaces).

MGL command: info dat [detail=off]

Display information (sizes, maximum/minimum, momentums and so on) about the data dat. Show brief information by default (if detail=off).

MGL command: info 'text'

Display text as information (warning).

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8.18 Data filling (MGL)

MGL command: fill dat v1 v2 ['dir'='x']

Equidistantly fills the data values to range [x1, x2] in direction dir={‘x’,‘y’,‘z’}.

MGL command: fill dat 'eq'
MGL command: fill dat 'eq' vdat
MGL command: fill dat 'eq' vdat wdat

Command fills the value of array according to the formula in string eq. Formula is an arbitrary expression depending on variables ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘w’. Coordinates ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ are supposed to be normalized in bounding box (in difference from modify commands). Variable ‘u’ is the original value of the array. Variables ‘v’ and ‘w’ are values of vdat, wdat.

MGL command: modify dat 'eq' [dim=0]
MGL command: modify dat 'eq' vdat
MGL command: modify dat 'eq' vdat wdat

Command fills the value of array according to the formula in string eq. Formula is an arbitrary expression depending on variables ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘u’. Coordinates ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ are data indexes normalized in range [0,1]. Variable ‘u’ is the original value of the array. If dim>0 is specified then modification will be fulfilled only for slices >=dim.

MGL command: put dat val [i=: j=: k=:]

Function sets value(s) of array dat[i, j, k] = val. Negative indexes i, j, k=‘:’ set the value val to whole range in corresponding direction(s). For example, put dat val : 0 : sets dat[i,0,j]=val for i=0...(dat.nx-1), j=0...(dat.nz-1).

MGL command: put dat vdat [i=: j=: k=:]

Function copies value(s) from array vdat to the range of array dat. Negative indexes i, j, k=‘:’ set the range in corresponding direction(s). At this minor dimensions of array vdat should be large than corresponding dimensions of array dat. For example, put dat v : 0 : sets dat[i,0,j]=vdat.ny>dat.nz ? vdat[i,j] : vdat[i], where i=0...(dat.nx-1), j=0...(dat.nz-1) and condition vdat.nx>=dat.nx is true.

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8.19 Rearrange data (MGL)

MGL command: rearrange dat mx [my=0 mz=0]

Rearrange dimensions without changing data array so that resulting sizes should be mx*my*mz < nx*ny*nz. If some of parameter my or mz are zero then it will be selected to optimal fill of data array. For example, if my=0 then it will be change to my=nx*ny*nz/mx and mz will be 1.

MGL command: extend dat n1 [n2=0]

Increase the dimensions of the data by inserting new (|n1|+1)-th slices after (for n1>0) or before (for n1<0) of existed one. It is possible to insert 2 dimensions simultaneously for 1d data by using parameter n2. Data to new slices is copy from existed one. For example, for n1>0 new array will be a_ij^new = a_i^old where j=0...n1. Correspondingly, for n1<0 new array will be a_ij^new = a_j^old where i=0...|n1|.

MGL command: transpose dat ['dim'='yxz']

Transposes (shift order of) dimensions of the data. New order of dimensions is specified int string dim. This command may be useful also for the reading of one-dimensional data.

MGL command: squeeze dat rx [ry=1 rz=1 sm=off]

Reduces the data size by excluding data elements which indexes are not divisible by rx, ry, rz correspondingly. Parameter sm set to use smoothing (i.e. out[i]=\sum_{j=i}^{i+r} a[j]/r) or not (i.e. out[i]=a[j*r]).

MGL command: crop dat n1 n2 'dir'

Cuts off edges of the data i<n1 and i>n2 if n2>0 or i>n[xyz]-n2 if n2<=0 along direction dir.

MGL command: delete dat

Deletes variable dat and makes its memory free. Can be useful for huge data arrays.

MGL command: delete dat 'dir' [pos=off num=0]

Delete num slices along dir-direction at position pos.

MGL command: insert dat 'dir' [pos=off num=0]

Insert num slices along dir-direction at position pos.

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8.20 File I/O (MGL)

MGL command: read dat 'fname'

Reads data from tab-separated text file with auto determining sizes of the data.

MGL command: read dat 'fname' mx [my=1 mz=1]

Reads data from text file with specified data sizes. This command does nothing if one of parameters mx, my or mz is zero or negative.

MGL command: readmat dat 'fname' [dim=2]

Read data from text file with size specified at beginning of the file by first dim numbers. At this, variable dim set data dimensions.

MGL command: readall dat 'templ' v1 v2 [dv=1 slice=off]

Join data arrays from several text files. The file names are determined by function call sprintf(fname,templ,val);, where val changes from v1 to v2 with step dv. The data load one-by-one in the same slice if slice=off or as slice-by-slice if slice=on.

MGL command: readall dat 'templ' [slice=off]

Join data arrays from several text files which filenames satisfied the template templ (for example, templ="t_*.dat"). The data load one-by-one in the same slice if slice=off or as slice-by-slice if slice=on.

MGL command: save dat 'fname'

Saves the whole data array to tab-separated text file.

MGL command: readhdf dat 'fname' 'dname'

Reads data array named dname from HDF5 or HDF4 file fname.

MGL command: savehdf dat 'fname' 'dname'

Saves data array named dname from HDF5 or HDF4 file fname.

MGL command: import dat 'fname' 'sch' [v1=0 v2=1]

Reads data from bitmap file. The RGB values of bitmap pixels are transformed to float values in range [v1, v2] using color scheme sch (see section Color scheme).

MGL command: export dat 'fname' 'sch' [v1=0 v2=0]

Saves data matrix to bitmap file. The data values are transformed from range [v1, v2] to RGB pixels of bitmap using color scheme sch (see section Color scheme). If v1>=v2 then the values of v1, v2 are automatically determined as minimal and maximal value of the data array.

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8.21 Make another data (MGL)

MGL command: combine res adat bdat

Returns direct multiplication of arrays (like, res[i,j] = adat[i]*bdat[j] and so on).

MGL command: evaluate res dat idat [norm=on]
MGL command: evaluate res dat idat jdat [norm=on]
MGL command: evaluate res dat idat jdat kdat [norm=on]

Get array which values is result of interpolation of original array for coordinates from other arrays (for example, res[i,j]=dat[idat[i,j],jdat[i,j]]). All dimensions must be the same for data idat, jdat, kdat. Coordinates from idat, jdat, kdat are supposed to be normalized in range [0,1] (if norm=true) or in ranges [0,nx], [0,ny], [0,nz] correspondingly.

MGL command: hist res dat num v1 v2 [nsub=0]
MGL command: hist res dat wdat num v1 v2 [nsub=0]

Creates num-th points distribution res of the data values of dat in range [v1, v2]. Array wdat specifies weights of the data elements (all weight is 1 if wdat is not specified). Parameter nsub define the number of additional interpolated points (for smoothness of histogram).

MGL command: hist res xdat adat
MGL command: hist res xdat ydat adat
MGL command: hist res xdat ydat zdat adat

Creates distribution res of the data values of adat in axis range [Min, Max]. Array adat look like weights of the data points.

MGL command: momentum res dat 'how' ['dir'='z']

Get momentum (1D-array) of the data along direction dir. String how contain kind of momentum. The momentum is defined like as res_k = \sum_ij how(x_i,y_j,z_k) a_ij/ \sum_ij a_ij if var=‘z’ and so on. Coordinates ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ are data indexes normalized in range [0,1].

MGL command: sum res dat 'dir'

Gets array which is the result of summation in given direction or direction(s).

MGL command: max res dat 'dir'

Gets array which is the maximal data values in given direction or direction(s).

MGL command: min res dat 'dir'

Gets array which is the minimal data values in given direction or direction(s).

MGL command: resize res dat mx [my=1 mz=1]

Makes array res of sizes mx, my, mz with interpolated data of array dat.

MGL command: subdata res dat xx [yy=: zz=:]

Extracts sub-array data res from the original data dat array keeping fixed positive index. For example subdata a b : 2 extracts 3d row (indexes are zero based), subdata a b 4 : extracts 5th column, subdata a b : : 3 extracts 4th slice and so on. Note that symbol ‘:’ is defined ‘:’=-1 in MGL.

MGL command: trace res dat

Gets array of diagonal elements dat[i,i] (for 2D case) or dat[i,i,i] (for 3D case) where i=0...nx-1. Function return copy of dat for 1D case. Data array must have dimensions dat.ny, dat.nz >= dat.nx or dat.ny, dat.nz = 1.

MGL command: transform dat 'type' real imag

Do integral transformation of complex data real, imag on specified direction. The order of transformations is specified in string type: first character for x-dimension, second one for y-dimension, third one for z-dimension. The possible character are: ‘f’ is forward Fourier transformation, ‘i’ is inverse Fourier transformation, ‘s’ is Sine transform, ‘c’ is Cosine transform, ‘h’ is Hankel transform, ‘n’ or ‘ ’ is no transformation.

MGL command: transforma dat 'type' ampl phase

The same as previous but with specified amplitude ampl and phase phase of complex numbers.

MGL command: stfad res real imag dn ['dir'='x']

Short time Fourier transformation for real and imaginary parts. Output is amplitude of partial Fourier of length dn. For example if dir=‘x’, result will have size {int(nx/dn), dn, ny} and it will contain res[i,j,k]=|\sum_d^dn exp(I*j*d)*(real[i*dn+d,k]+I*imag[i*dn+d,k])|/dn.

MGL command: pde res 'ham' ini_re ini_im [dz=0.1 k0=100]

Solves equation du/dz = i*k0*ham(p,q,x,y,z,|u|)[u], where p=-i/k0*d/dx, q=-i/k0*d/dy are pseudo-differential operators. Parameters ini_re, ini_im specify real and imaginary part of initial field distribution. Coordinates of the equation (and the solution) are supposed to be in the bounding box. Note, that really this ranges are increased by factor 3/2 for purpose of reducing reflection from boundaries. Parameter dz set the step along evolutionary coordinate z. At this moment, simplified form of function ham is supported – all “mixed” terms (like ‘x*p’->x*d/dx) are excluded. For example, in 2D case this function is effectively ham = f(p,z) + g(x,z,u). However commutable combinations (like ‘x*q’->x*d/dy) are allowed. Here variable ‘u’ is used for field amplitude |u|. This allow one solve nonlinear problems – for example, for non-linear Shrodinger equation you may set ham='p^2+q^2-u^2'. You may specify imaginary part for wave absorption, like ham = 'p^2+i*x*(x>0)', but only if dependence on variable ‘i’ is linear (i.e. ham = hre+i*him). See section PDE sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: ray res 'ham' x0 y0 z0 p0 q0 v0 [dt=0.1 tmax=10]

Solves GO ray equation like dr/dt = d ham/dp, dp/dt = -d ham/dr. This is Hamiltonian equations for particle trajectory in 3D case. Here ham is Hamiltonian which may depend on coordiantes ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, momentums ‘p’=px, ‘q’=py, ‘v’=pz and time ‘t’: ham = H(x,y,z,p,q,v,t). The starting point (at t=0) is defined by variables {x0, y0, z0, p0, q0, v0}. Parameters dt and tmax specify the integration step and maximal time for ray tracing. Result is array of {x,y,z,p,q,v,t} with dimensions {7 * int(tmax/dt+1) }. See also pde. See section Beam tracing sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: qo2d res 'ham' ini_re ini_im ray [r=1 k0=100 xx=0 yy=0]

Solves equation du/dt = i*k0*ham(p,q,x,y,|u|)[u], where p=-i/k0*d/dx, q=-i/k0*d/dy are pseudo-differential operators. Parameters ini_re, ini_im specify real and imaginary part of initial field distribution. Parameters ray set the reference ray, i.e. the ray around which the accompanied coordinate system will be maked. You may use, for example, the array created by ray function. Note, that the reference ray must be smooth enough to make accompanied coodrinates unambiguity. Otherwise errors in the solution may appear. If xx and yy are non-zero then Cartesian coordinates for each point will be written into them. See section Beam tracing sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: jacobian res xdat ydat [zdat=0]

Computates the Jacobian for transformation {i,j,k} to {xdat,ydat,zdat} where initial coordinates {i,j,k} are data indexes normalized in range [0,1]. The Jacobian is determined by formula det||dr_\alpha/d\xi_\beta|| where r={xdat,ydat,zdat} and \ xi={i,j,k}. All dimensions must be the same for all data arrays. Data must be 3D if all 3 arrays {xdat,ydat,zdat} are specified or 2D if only 2 arrays {xdat,ydat} are specified.

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8.22 Change data (MGL)

These commands change the data in some direction like differentiations, integrations and so on. The direction in which the change will applied is specified by the string parameter, which may contain ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’ characters for 1-st, 2-nd and 3-d dimension correspondingly.

MGL command: cumsum dat 'dir'

Cumulative summation of the data in given direction or directions.

MGL command: integrate dat 'dir'

Integrates (like cumulative summation) the data in given direction or directions.

MGL command: diff dat 'dir'

Differentiates the data in given direction or directions.

MGL command: diff dat xdat ydat [zdat=0]

Differentiates the data dat specified parametrically in direction xdat with ydat, zdat=constant. Parameter zdat can be omitted that correspond to 2D case. Parametrical differentiation uses the formula (for 2D case): da/dx = (a_j*y_i-a_i*y_j)/(x_j*y_i-x_i*y_j) where a_i=da/di, a_j=da/dj denotes usual differentiation along 1st and 2nd dimensions. The similar formula is used for 3D case. Note, that you may change the order of arguments – for example, if you have 2D data a(i,j) which depend on coordinates {x(i,j), y(i,j)} then usual derivative along ‘x’ will be diff a x y and usual derivative along ‘y’ will be diff a y x.

MGL command: diff2 dat 'dir'

Double-differentiates (like Laplace operator) the data in given direction.

MGL command: sinfft dat 'dir'

Do Sine transform of the data in given direction or directions. The Sine transform is \sum a_i \sin(k i).

MGL command: cosfft dat 'dir'

Do Cosine transform of the data in given direction or directions. The Cosine transform is \sum a_i \cos(k i).

MGL command: hankel dat 'dir'

Do Hankel transform of the data in given direction or directions. The Hankel transform is \sum a_i J_0(k i).

MGL command: swap dat 'dir'

Swaps the left and right part of the data in given direction (useful for Fourier spectrum).

MGL command: roll dat 'dir' num

Rolls the data along direction ’dir’. Resulting array will be out[i] = ini[(i+num)%nx] if dir='x'.

MGL command: mirror dat 'dir'

Mirror the left-to-right part of the data in given direction. Looks like change the value index i->n-i.

MGL command: sew dat ['dir'='xyz' da=2*pi]

Remove value steps (like phase jumps after inverse trigonometric commands) with period da in given direction.

MGL command: smooth data type ['dir'='xyz']

Smooths the data on specified direction or directions by method Type. Now 4 methods are supported: ‘0’ does nothing, ‘1’ linear averaging by 3 points, ‘2’ linear averaging by 5 points, ‘3’ quadratic averaging by 5 points.

MGL command: envelop dat ['dir'='x']

Find envelop for data values along direction dir. Only one direction can be specified at once.

MGL command: normsl dat v1 v2 ['dir'='z' keep=on sym=off]

Normalizes data slice-by-slice along direction dir the data in slices to range [v1,v2]. If flag sym=on then symmetrical interval [-max(|v1|,|v2|), max(|v1|,|v2|)] is used. If keep is set then maximal value of k-th slice will be limited by \sqrt\sum a_ij(k)/\sum a_ij(0).

MGL command: norm dat v1 v2 [sym=off dim=0]

Normalizes the data to range [v1,v2]. If flag sym=on then symmetrical interval [-max(|v1|,|v2|), max(|v1|,|v2|)] is used. Modification will be applied only for slices >=dim.

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8.23 Operators (MGL)

MGL command: multo dat dat2

Multiplies the data by the other one for each element.

MGL command: multo dat val

Multiplies each element by the number.

MGL command: divto dat dat2

Divides the data by the other one for each element.

MGL command: divto dat val

Divides each element by the number.

MGL command: addto dat dat2

Adds the other data.

MGL command: addto dat val

Adds the number to each element.

MGL command: subto dat dat2

Subtracts the other data.

MGL command: subto dat val

Subtracts the number to each element.

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8.24 Program flow (MGL)

These commands control program flow, like, conditions, cycles, define script arguments and so on.

MGL command: chdir 'path'

Changes the current directory to path.

MGL command: define $N smth

Sets N-th script argument to smth. Note, that smth is used as is (with ‘'’ symbols if present). Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: define name smth

Create scalar variable name which have the numeric value of smth. Later you can use this variable as usual number. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: defchr $N smth

Sets N-th script argument to character with value evaluated from smth. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: defnum $N smth

Sets N-th script argument to number with value evaluated from smth. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: defpal $N smth

Sets N-th script argument to palette character at position evaluated from smth. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: call 'fname' [ARG1 ARG2 ... ARG9]

Executes function fname (or script if function is not found). Optional arguments will be passed to functions. See also func.

MGL command: func 'fname' [narg=0]

Define the function fname and number of required arguments. The arguments will be placed in script parameters $1, $2, ... $9. Note, you should stop script execution before function definition(s) by command stop. See also return.

MGL command: return

Return from the function. See also func.

MGL command: if dat 'cond'

Starts block which will be executed if dat satisfy to cond.

MGL command: if val

Starts block which will be executed if val is nonzero.

MGL command: elseif dat 'cond'

Starts block which will be executed if previous if or elseif is false and dat satisfy to cond.

MGL command: elseif val

Starts block which will be executed if previous if or elseif is false and val is nonzero.

MGL command: else

Starts block which will be executed if previous if or elseif is false.

MGL command: endif

Finishes if/elseif/else block.

MGL command: for $N v1 v2 [dv=1]

Starts cycle with $N-th argument changing from v1 to v2 with the step dv. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: for $N dat

Starts cycle with $N-th argument changing for dat values. Here N is digit (0...9) or alpha (a...z).

MGL command: next

Finishes for cycle.

MGL command: once val

The code between once on and once off will be executed only once. Useful for large data manipulation in programs like UDAV.

MGL command: stop

Terminate execution.

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8.25 Command options (MGL)

Command options allow the easy setup of the plot by changing of global settings only for this plot. Options are specified at the end of string. Each option is separated from the previous text by symbol ‘;’. Options work so that them remember the current settings, change settings as it being set in the option, execute command and return the original settings back. So, the options usage for data handling commands or for graphics setup commands is useless.

The most useful options are xrange, yrange, zrange. They sets the boundaries for data change. This boundaries are used for automatically filled variables. So, these options allow one to change the position of some plots. For example, in command plot y; xrange 0.1 0.9 the x coordinate will be equidistantly distributed in range 0.1 ... 0.9.

The full list of options are:

MGL option: alpha val
MGL option: alphadef val

Sets alpha value (transparency) of the plot. The value should be in range [0, 1]. See also alphadef.

MGL option: ambient val

Sets brightness of ambient light for the plot. The value should be in range [0, 1]. See also ambient.

MGL option: crange val1 val2

Sets boundaries of color change for the plot. See also crange.

MGL option: xrange val1 val2

Sets boundaries of x coordinate change for the plot. See also xrange.

MGL option: yrange val1 val2

Sets boundaries of y coordinate change for the plot. See also yrange.

MGL option: zrange val1 val2

Sets boundaries of z coordinate change for the plot. See also zrange.

MGL option: cut val

Sets whether to cut or to project the plot points lying outside the bounding box. See also cut.

MGL option: fontsize val

Sets the size of text. See also font.

MGL option: marksize val

Sets the size of marks. See also marksize.

MGL option: meshnum val

Work like meshnum command.

MGL option: legend 'txt'

Adds string ’txt’ to internal legend accumulator. The style of described line and mark is taken from arguments of the last 1D plotting (MGL) command. See also legend.

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8.26 Suffixes for variable

Suffixes can get some numerical value (like its size, maximal or minimal value, the sum of elements and so on) of the data array in variable and use it later as usual number in command arguments. The suffixes start from point ‘.’ right after (without spaces) variable name or its sub-array. For example, a.nx give the x-size of data a, b(1).max give maximal value of second row of variable b, (c(:,0)^2).sum give the sum of squares of elements in the first column of c and so on.

The full list of suffixes are:

nx, ny, nz

Give the data size in x-, y-, z-direction correspondingly.


Give maximal value of the data.


Give minimal value of the data.


Give sum of data values.


Give first value of data array.


Give first nonzero value of data array.


Give last nonzero value of data array.

mx, my, mz

Give x-, y-, z-position of data maximum.

ax, ay, az, aa

Give x-, y-, z-position of data mass center or average data value.

wx, wy, wz, wa

Give width in x-, y-, z-direction or data dispersion value.

sx, sy, sz, sa

Give skewness in x-, y-, z-direction or data skewness value.

kx, ky, kz, ka

Give kurtosis in x-, y-, z-direction or data kurtosis value.

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8.27 Utilities for parsing MGL

MathGL library provides several tools for parsing MGL scripts. There is tools saving it to bitmap (mgl2png, mgl2gif) or vectorial (mgl2eps, mgl2svg) images. Tool mglview show MGL script and allow to rotate and setup the image. Also you can translate MGL script to C++ file by help of mgl2cpp tool.

All of this tools have similar set of arguments. First argument is name of script file, next argument is optional output file name, last arguments are options. There are options for setting script parameters (it is $0, $1, ... $9) and locale settings. The script parameters have format ‘-Nval’. Here N=0,1...9 is parameter ID and val is its value. For example, option ‘-1test’ set to substitute ‘test’ instead of $1 in the script. Option -Lval set locale to val. For example, ‘-Lutf8’ will set UTF-8 locale for script.

Additionally you can create animated GIF file or a set of JPEG files with names ‘frameNNNN.jpg’ (here ‘NNNN’ is frame index). You should use mgl2gif tool and specify the values of $0 parameter for making animation. Values of the parameter $0 can be specified inside the script by comment ##a val for each value val (one comment for one value) or by option(s) ‘-Aval’. Also you can specify a cycle for animation by comment ##c v1 v2 dv or by option -Cn1:n2. Tool mgl2gif will execute script several times (once for each specified value of $0) and save result in animated GIF file. For saving each frame in JPEG just add command write '' at the end of the script.

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