Below is full list of all characters (symbols) which MathGL use for setting up the plot.
empty line style (see Стиль линий);
empty color in chart.
set to use new color from palette for each point (not for each curve, as default) in 1D графики;
set to disable ticks tuning in axis and colorbar;
set to draw grid lines at subticks coordinates too;
define complex variable/expression in MGL script if placed at beginning.
set to use solid marks (see Стиль линий) or solid error boxes;
set to draw wired plot for axial, surf3, surf3a, surf3c, triplot, quadplot, area, region, bars, barh, tube, tape, cone, boxs and draw boundary only for circle, ellipse, rhomb;
set to draw also mesh lines for surf, surfc, surfa, dens, densx, densy, densz, dens3, or boundary for chart, facex, facey, facez, rect;
set to draw boundary and box for legend, title, or grid lines for table;
set to draw grid for radar;
set to start flow threads and pipes from edges only for flow, pipe;
set to use whole are for axis range in subplot, inplot;
change text color inside a string (see Стиль текста);
start comment in Скрипты MGL or in Опции команд.
denote parameter of Скрипты MGL.
set color scheme along 2 coordinates Цветовая схема;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
set to pass long integer number in tick template xtick, ytick, ztick, ctick;
specifier of drawing user-defined symbols as mark (see Стиль линий);
operation in Текстовые формулы.
denote string in Скрипты MGL or in Опции команд.
one of marks (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set to start flow threads from 2d array inside data (see flow);
operation in Текстовые формулы.
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set to print ‘+’ for positive numbers in axis, label, table;
operation of increasing last character value in MGL strings;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
separator for color positions (see Цвета) or items in a list
concatenation of MGL string with another string or numerical value.
solid line style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
place entries horizontally in legend;
set to use usual ‘-’ for negative numbers in axis, label, table;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
set to draw hachures instead of arrows for vect, vect3;
set to use dots instead of faces for cloud, torus, axial, surf3, surf3a, surf3c, surf, surfa, surfc, dens, map;
delimiter of fractional parts for numbers.
operation in Текстовые формулы.
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
stop color scheme parsing (see Цветовая схема);
range operation in Скрипты MGL;
style for axis;
separator of commands in Скрипты MGL.
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
start of an option in Скрипты MGL or in Опции команд;
separator of equations in ode;
separator of labels in iris.
one of marks (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set position of colorbar;
align left in bars, barh, boxplot, cones, candle, ohlc;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
one of marks (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set position of colorbar;
align right in bars, barh, boxplot, cones, candle, ohlc;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set to use equidistant columns for table;
set to use color gradient for vect, vect3;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
set to draw box around text for text and similar functions;
set to draw boundary and fill it for circle, ellipse, rhomb;
set to fill faces for box;
set to draw large semitransparent mark instead of error box for error;
set to draw edges for cone;
set to draw filled boxes for boxs;
reduce text size inside a string (see Стиль текста);
operation in Текстовые формулы.
one of marks (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
set position of colorbar;
set outer position for legend;
inverse default position for axis;
switch to upper index inside a string (see Стиль текста);
align center in bars, barh, boxplot, cones, candle, ohlc;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
empty arrow style (see Стиль линий);
disable drawing of tick labels for axis;
set position of colorbar;
set to draw contours at bottom for cont, contf, contd, contv, tricont;
switch to lower index inside a string (see Стиль текста).
contain symbols excluded from color scheme parsing (see Цветовая схема);
operation of getting n-th character from MGL string.
contain extended specification of color (see Цвета), dashing (see Стиль линий) or mask (see Цветовая схема);
denote special operation in Скрипты MGL;
denote ’meta-symbol’ for LaTeX like string parsing (see Стиль текста).
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
set to use sharp color scheme (see Цветовая схема);
set to limit width by subplot width for table;
delimiter in list command;
operation in Текстовые формулы.
string continuation symbol on next line for Скрипты MGL.
disable drawing of tick labels for axis and colorbar;
disable first segment in lamerey;
reduce number of segments in plot and tens;
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема).
line width (see Стиль линий);
brightness of a color (see Цвета);
precision of numbers in axis, label, table;
kind of smoothing (for digits 1,3,5) in smooth;
digits for a value.
set to draw square, hex- or octo-pyramids instead of cones in cone, cones.
can be hex-digit for color specification if placed inside {} (see Цвета).
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
set to use absolute position in whole picture for text, colorbar, legend.
set to use absolute position in subplot for text;
style of plot, radar, tens, area, region to draw segments between points outside of axis range;
dark blue color (see Цвета).
blue color (see Цвета);
bold font face if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
dark cyan color (see Цвета);
align text to center if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
cyan color (see Цвета);
name of color axis;
cosine transform for transform.
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема).
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
start hex-dash description if placed inside {} (see Стиль линий).
dark green-yellow color (see Цвета).
green-yellow color (see Цвета).
set fixed format for numbers in axis, label, table;
Fourier transform for transform.
dark green color (see Цвета).
green color (see Цвета).
dark gray color (see Цвета).
gray color (see Цвета);
Hankel transform for transform.
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
set colorbar position near boundary.
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
italic font face if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
set to use inverse values for cloud, pipe, dew;
set to fill only area with y1<y<y2 for region;
inverse Fourier transform for transform, transforma, fourier.
line dashing style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема).
arrow style (see Стиль линий).
black color (see Цвета).
dark green-blue color (see Цвета);
align text to left if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
green-blue color (see Цвета).
dark magenta color (see Цвета).
magenta color (see Цвета).
dark sky-blue color (see Цвета).
sky-blue color (see Цвета).
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема).
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
over-line text if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
dark purple color (see Цвета).
purple color (see Цвета).
dark orange or brown color (see Цвета).
orange color (see Цвета).
dark red color (see Цвета);
align text to right if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста).
red color (see Цвета).
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема).
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
one of mask for face filling (see Цветовая схема);
start hex-mask description if placed inside {} (see Цветовая схема);
sine transform for transform.
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
set to draw text labels for cont, cont3;
name of t-axis (one of ternary axis);
variable in Текстовые формулы, which usually is varied in range [0,1].
dark blue-violet color (see Цвета);
disable rotation of tick labels for axis.
blue-violet color (see Цвета);
under-line text if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста);
name of u-axis (one of ternary axis);
variable in Текстовые формулы, which usually denote array itself.
arrow style (see Стиль линий);
place text centering on vertical direction for text.
one of marks (see Стиль линий);
set to draw vectors on flow threads for flow and on segments for lamerey.
bright gray color (see Цвета).
white color (see Цвета);
wired text if placed after ‘:’ (see Стиль текста);
name of w-axis (one of ternary axis);
arrow style (see Стиль линий).
name of x-axis or x-direction or 1st dimension of a data array;
start hex-color description if placed inside {} (see Цвета);
one of marks (see Стиль линий) or kind of error boxes;
tiles orientation perpendicular to x-axis in tile, tiles;
style of tape.
dark yellow or gold color (see Цвета).
yellow color (see Цвета);
name of y-axis or y-direction or 2nd dimension of a data array;
name of z-axis or z-direction or 3d dimension of a data array;
style of tape.